Which is your weaker breast?

Definitely Leftie, but I still love her, she’s hanging in there.

Do you ship internationally?

I sure do, legends! But guess what? Australia is at the arse-end of the world so—I’m not gonna lie—you can guarantee it’s gonna cost you a fuckload.

Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Ooooooooh, this question hurts. You see, I’ve had my cat Penny for 17 wonderful years and I love her dearly but she’s also a bit of an arsehole. My dogs, Es and Gordon, on the other hand, are angels sent from heaven so I don’t even know. I’d rather set fire to my computer than properly answer this question. NEXT.

Why is Shannon’s Kitchen available in bookshops but Parenting for Legends and Shannon Does Dinner isn’t?

Shannon’s Kitchen was originally indie published by me but then was taken over by Penguin Random House (they’re Big Kahuna publishers) so you can find her in bookshops across Oz. But my other babies, Parenting for Legends and Shannon Does Dinner? Well, I kept them just for us (I didn’t do it out of the goodness in my heart… I did it to make more profit. Savage but true). My latest books are culty as fuck and I LOVE IT. You’ll only find them here and at a few wicked indie retailers.

Which book is your favourite?

That’s like asking me which of my children is my favourite… the answer changes every day!

Can you juggle?

Well… I once touched two whistles in one day so I think the answer to that is a resounding yes.

Where do you live?

I live in Torquay, Australia with a wild beast named Mr Shannon, our two little boys, two dogs and two cats. And the pitter-patter of tiny feet in our roof would suggest perhaps a possum or seven.

How much are your books?

Shannon’s Kitchen is $34.99

Parenting for Legends is $29.99

Shannon Does Dinner is $34.99

Shipping Australia-wide is $6 and if you order a few books (I know this is super-braggy but they make fucking EXCELLENT gifts) postage is free!

Oh, so who sends your books out?

ME, YA DICKBAG!! And I love it, so if you ever want to honk my horn and request a book be signed or an intimate note be written inside please do so! I’ll even draw a willy inside if you’re keen, just say the word.

What chaps your fanny?

Things that upset or horrify me include slow-walkers, homophobia, cruelty to animals, judgemental fuckfaces and sticky lipgloss.